Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Can Fly

Abbi flying Ayla B. at the 2nd Annual CMF
I took a tour of The Porter Farm (the site of this year's fest!) with Abbi and Alissa of Dharma Door Retreat last night. When we were finished walking the grounds, playing with the three lil pigs, and taking in the dusky magic of Pleasant Valley, Abbi flew me! Anyone who attended last year's festival or saw pictures or knows Abbi, you know the fun and relaxation that acro-yoga brings. I have never been flown before. I was always quite apprehensive. I'm a big guy. I clock in at far under 500 pounds, but still, I am not fragile dainty flower. I didn't want to crush my poor friend. But Abbi was adamant. She has been wanting me to 'fly' since I met her (which was at last year's fest). Last night it happened. She lifted me with her legs with such ease, as she lay on her back looking up at me. I immediately wanted to be put down but the fun of flying was the greatest. Abbi and Dharma Door will be a big part of Cambridge Music Festival this year. We are putting the finishing touches on the yoga schedule for this year's festival and will announce details soon! Any requests for classes let me know! And in the meantime, check out the fellow Pleasant Valley business - located on Irish Settlement Rd - book a class and be taken away by the power of Dharma Door.